Comment parsing

A few things about source code comments worth mentioning. First of all, both singleline comments and multiline comments will still exist in V3. Comments will be written pretty much the same way they’re written in C (and the related) languages. That is, singleline comments beginning with double slashes “//”, and multiline comments introduced as block that starts with “/*” and ends with “*/”. No more remstart/remend.

For now, multiline comments are stripped already in the file reading pass, and not in the lexical phase (singleline comments are handled here, though). I thought it’d be more efficient in terms of compilation time if lines that wouldn’t be processed anyway, were ignored completely instead of going through the normal tokenization. Due to this, comment ending and starting can’t occurr within a logical line. Obviously this would be easily fixed, but it’s extra work and some code recycling – which is rarely a good thing. This means that the “/*” and “*/” must be on their respective lines alone in a similar manner to how remstart and remend currently work. It may require some time to get used to this, but as it stands now, my decision is justifiable.

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